Process Safety Management Training

  Process Safety Management Training

Process Safety Management Training

Process Safety Management, or PSM, is an OSHA standard that requires employers to identify, evaluate, and control the hazards associated with the highly hazardous chemicals used in their processes. A key provision of the standard requires employers to conduct a thorough risk analysis of the entire operating process

Process Safety Management 

PSM - According to OSHA guidelines, a total of 14 elements of Process Safety Management Programme are required to implement PSM in any industry


1. Process Safety Information
2. Process Hazard Analysis
3. Operating Procedure
4. Employee Participation
5. Process Safety Management Training
6. Contractor Training
7. Pre-Startup Safety Review
8. Mechanical Integrity
9. Hot Work Permits
10. Management Of Change Process
11. Incident Investigation / Accident Investigation
12. Emergency Planning and Emergency Response
13. Safety Compliance Audits
14. Trade Secret Protection


All these tools would help to implement PSM in any organization.


