AccidentIncident Investigation Procedure

  AccidentIncident Investigation Procedure

Accident or incident investigation is a technique in which the investigation or investigating team proceeds procedurally, sequentially, and analytically to obtain details, circumstances, reasons, and facts about the occurrence, from which the immediate and, more importantly, root causes are determined.  Accident/incident investigation and analysis are means used to prevent future accidents by determining the root cause. As such, the investigation or analysis must produce information leading to corrective actions to prevent or reduce the number of accidents in the workplace.

Key Benefits

1. The causes behind the occurrence help in formulating measures to prevent such or even more  serious incidents.
2. The organization is equipped with a band of trained investigators who can shoulder the task of  conducting inquiry investigations.
3. The organization can define and chalk out more efficient roles and responsibilities, following which the overall EHS culture can get a boost.
4. The positive recommendations of the investigations can be used to improve managerial skills and workplace behavior.
