Personal Protective Equipment training (PPEs)

  Personal Protective Equipment training (PPEs)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is safety equipment; workers wear to prevent injury in the workplace when engineering and administrative controls fail to eliminate the hazard.

What is this training based on ?

1. Supervisors and/or safety officers from your specific work unit conducted a hazard assessment to determine any and all jobs that would require the use of PPE.
2. According to the company management system, some of the mandatory PPEs are for everyone.

Common Types of PPE

1. Head
2. Eyes
3. Face
4. Hands
5. Feet
6. Body
7. Hearing
8. Respiratory 

What are the benefits of PPE?

Benefit for PPE training

PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment, helps prevent staff emergencies on the job due to inhalation, absorption, irritants, or other prolonged contact with a cleaning chemical. This actively reduces accidents, improves the health of your employees, and makes for a safer, secure work environment
